We've had a busy March, running around trying to find lions that broke out of reserves, trying to collar lions and spotted hyena and trying to fit it all in between the snare removals!
Early in March we were contacted about a spotted hyena with a snare around his neck, after more than one attempt, we finally managed to dart him and remove the cable snare from around his neck. He has made a very good recovery since then.
The Endangered Wildlife Trust, with whom PNHF has partnered on a large project to try and collar lions and spotted hyenas. This is done to monitor their movements in areas where they are at high risk of being poached. We've had some great success and managed to collar one young male lion, a lioness and one spotted hyena. The costs involved in collaring, monitoring and following up on these animals are quite high and we are in need of more collars to expand the reach of this project. Please have a look at our Wildlife Research Collars fundraiser on Globalgiving and donate towards our goal: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/wildlife-research-collars/
We conducted seven snare removal operations in March and removed 230 poacher's snares, discovered 3 poacher's camps and patrolled 40km on foot.
It has been a busy, but fruitful month, on to the next one!